What You Should Know About Acuvue Oasys Contact Lenses

By Adriana Noton

There are several models of Acuvue contact lenses which are manufactured by Johnson & Johnson. The Acuvue Oasys and the Acuvue Advance use a technique which embeds a silicon wetting agent. This keeps the lenses very moist which aids in getting a smooth comfortable fit. Other models offered by Acuvue are the Acuvue 2 and the 1-DAY Acuvue.

With the exception of the Acuvue 2 COLOURS model, all the Acuvue lenses are used to correct near or farsightedness. The Acuvue 2 COLOURS will enhance or change your eye color and does not correct vision. Ten colors are available.

Oasys lenses can be taken out and cleaned daily for up two weeks before replacing or you can continuously wear them for up to six nights before replacing them with a fresh pair. With the Acuvue Advance you clean them daily for two weeks and then replace them with a fresh pair of contacts. The Acuvue 2 can be worn continuously for up to six nights before replacing or you can clean them daily for two weeks before having to replace them. The 1-DAY Acuvue are worn for only 1 day and then you dispose of them and use a fresh pair.

The Oasys family of lenses provide excellent ultraviolet light protection. The Acuvue Oasys is rated at Class I UV protection with 96% UV-A and 100% UV-B radiation. The Acuvue Advance contacts also has a Class I UV rating with 93% UV-A and 99% UV-B radiation. The Acuvue 2 and the 1-Day Acuvue have Class II UV ratings with 82% UV-A and 97% UV-B radiation.

Comfort is always a prime concern for contact lens users. Acuvue lenses are made from silicone hydrogel materials. The Oasys is made from senofilcon A which allows 98% of the available oxygen to pass to your eyes. The Acuvue Advance is made of alyfilcon A which allows 97% of the available oxygen to pass to your eyes. The Acuvue 2 and the 1-Day Acuvue are made of etafilcon A and provides 88% of the available oxygen to your eyes.

Another important factors for providing comfortable wear are keeping the lens wet and smooth. The Oasys lenses use the next generation of HYDRACLEAR technology called HYDRACLEAR PLUS. HYDRACLEAR PLUS embeds a higher volume the wetting agent. This makes the Oasys lenses work well in a variety of environments, outside or inside. HYDRACLEAR PLUS increases the smoothness of the lenses. Blinking is very smooth. You can't feel the contact lenses at all. The Oasys Advance use the first generation of HYDRACLEAR.

The LACREON technology is used in the 1-DAY Acuvue MOIST. The LACREON is similar to HYDRACLEAR. It also embeds a wetting agent but it adds a wet cushion as well. This cushion mimics tears which greatly reduces friction and maintains moistness.

All Acuvue lenses have a slight blue tint to help make them visible when they are in their case. A 1-2-3 mark on each lens make them very simple to insert. Contact wearers appreciate the ease of handling.

Acuvue Oasys have special models for astigmatism and presbyopia. The Acuvue Advance also has a model for astigmatism. Customer feedback and surveys indicates that users of Acuvue contact lenses are please with their comfort and ease of use and also appreciate the wide selection of choices available.

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