AAI Junior Asst Recruitment Application Forms | Airports Authority of India Jr Assistant Selection Procedure August 2011 | www.airportsindia.org.in

AAI Junior Asst Recruitment Application Forms | Airports Authority of India Jr Assistant Selection Procedure August 2011 | www.airportsindia.org.in

Airports Authority of India (AAI) Junior Assistant Recruitment Last Date To Submit Application Forms: Last date of application

Applications are invited from the candidates who are Domicile of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Pondicherry and Lakshadweep Island for the post of Junior Assistant (Fire Service) NE-4 at various airports in the above states in Southern Region. Total number of posts likely to be filled is 244 and the reservations are SC-33, ST-13, OBC-70, UR- 128. The eligibility criteria for the posts is as follows:


1 Candidates fulfilling the above conditions may submit their application on plain paper in Hindi / English in the following format addressed to THE REGIONAL EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, Airports Authority of India, Southern Region, Chennai – 600 027 ( the envelope should be superscripted by the name of the post applied for) along with a Demand Draft for Rs.100/- (Rupees One Hundred only) [non-refundable] drawn in favour of Airports Authority of India, payable at Chennai so as to reach on or before 27/08/2010. SC/ST candidates are exempted from payment of fees. The applications may also be downloaded from AAI website www.airportsindia.org.in.

2 The application should accompany the following documents:

i) Demand Draft for Rs.100/- as explained above (other than SC/ST candidates)

ii) Four recent passport size photographs, one affixed on application duly attested in front and other three stapled and attested on backside.

iii) Attested photocopies of Certificates regarding Educational Qualification, Date of Birth, HMV license (full copy), proof of caste (wherever applicable), Bonafide Certificate for candidate belonging to hilly areas, etc.

3 The application must be complete in all respects failing which it will be summarily rejected and no communication shall be made in this regard.


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